The Importance of Fat in Diet
Is fat in our diet harmful?
You probably heard that fat in diet is bad for you and by now you are conditioned to avoid it as plaque. Numerous sources of information tell you that fats are potentially harmful elements of your diet. While this is partially true, it does not imply that fats are not valuable from a nutritional point of view. In fact, fats are absolutely necessary for maintaining proper health. Fats are the chief form of energy stored in the body.
During times of unavailability of food, the fats stored in the body provide energy to prevent starvation.
Do we store fats or carbs or both?
There is good scientific reason behind why fats, and not carbohydrates, remain the chief form of stored energy in the body. The body cannot store glycogen (the dominant form of the body’s carbohydrates) in great amounts because glycogen holds a great deal of water and is very bulky. Fats, on the other hand, can be packed tightly together without water. They can store much more energy than glycogen in a small space.
Foods rich in fats are valuable in many situations. One gram of fat (or oil) provides twice as many calories as obtained from one gram of carbohydrates. People doing hard physical labor and those traveling in cold climates require ample supply of fats to provide energy in the form of heat. These people will benefit in having ample amount of fat in their diet.
Fatty foods usually carry mouthwatering flavors and tempting smells that cause us to eat these foods in excess, getting unneeded calories.
How do you know when to stop eating?
Well, there are certain fats in the food that slow digestion and give the brain a signal to stop eating. That is why fatty foods give a fuller feeling of satisfaction.
Functions of fat
The vital organs of the body are surrounded by and cushioned in fat pads that function as shock absorbers. Also, the layer of fat beneath the skin prevents the body from extremes of temperature conditions. Fats also dissolve some essential nutrients like vitamins A, D, E, and K.
Without some fat in our diet, we cannot survive.
The fear of eating too much fat and gaining weight is often associated with anorexia and other eating disorders, but fat, in moderate amounts, is actually healthy for your body. Look for fats that are good for your body, such as those found in olive oil, and reduce the fats that are bad for your body, such as the ones found in fast food.
Fat in diet – Tip
Remember to eat a small amount of good fats every day so that you can maintain good health! Having fat in your diet is a good thing you just have to know how much is right for you.
Your comments are always welcome! What is your attitude towards fats? Are you like most of us afraid of them?
To your Health!