Chronic UTI

UTI infections are one of the most common types of infections. They are especially prevalent among women and more than 50% of women will have a UTI at some point in their lives. If left untreated, these infections can cause serious complications. Thus, it is important to know how to treat UTI infections. UTI infections can be difficult to treat and some doctors believe that the use of antibiotics increases the likelihood of future infections. Luckily, there are many natural remedies that can be used right at home to treat UTI infections.

If you are unable to visit your doctor after symptoms appear, there are several natural remedies to bring relief.
1)At the first sign of infection, mix teaspoon of baking soda into a eight-ounce glass of water. Baking soda increases the acid-base balance in your system, bringing down the acidity in your urine.
2)Stay hydrated. Though it may feel as if you need to urinate every few minutes, your body is still craving fluids. Cleansing your body with water will move along any unwanted bacteria.
3)Known for its power of fighting the common cold, Echinacea can be helpful in battling your UTI. Taking two capsules three times a day can start you on the path back to wellness.
4)Possibly the most well known natural form of relief is cranberry juice. It works by not allowing bacteria to cling to cells lining the urinary tract and offers quick relief. While tart in flavor, cranberry juice is often one of the fastest and most effective ways to eliminate an infection.

Plenty of rest is key in fighting a UTI. Most of the time infections are the result of our bodies being run-down and compromised from our busy, stressful lives. Something as simple as getting the rest you need can help you body naturally fight off infection.

When dealing with a chronic UTI is to make sure that the body stays properly hydrated. Drinking water helps the body stay properly hydrated. Many people contract UTIs because they have a weakened immune system. Having a poor diet and eating too much sugar can cause a person to have a weakened immune system.

Vitamin C, like the cranberry juice remedy, is high in acidity and can be used as a treatment for uti. Taking 1000 milligrams per day can help restore the balance of the urinary tract and can also help prevent future bladder infections as well.

Today, there is a powerful, all-natural remedy that attacks the UTI from five different angles. Urizol is a powerful dietary supplement that offers women the opportunity to prevent urinary infections from ever arising. Imagine ” never suffering again! Effective against E. coli, the cause of most infections, Urizol acts as diuretic to cleanse and soothe your body while boosting your immune system. Taken at the first sign of discomfort, this supplement is scientifically formulated to provide fast relief without the harm of chemical drugs. Why suffer needlessly? Next time a UTI arises, rely on Urizol for safe, natural relief.

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