1. Lower Back Pain – realise Why
First understand why you have lower back pain. Unless you have been in an accident, you are in pain because you eat too much, hardly exercise or don’t move properly. Issues such as posture, movement and strain all contribute to lower back pain.
2. Sleeping Properly = Less Back Pain
Ok, so this is quite self-explanatory , but when you sleep you lie in one position for long periods of time. When a muscle is strained for long periods, it ends up becoming inflamed and sore . Recurring issues like this can lead to permanent muscle damage. You normally never have any control over it as you toss and turn while you sleep, but luckily there are some things you can do.
3. Pillows Help with Lower Back Pain
Use your usual pillow for your head and neck support, but use another one for the lower half of your body. Try sleeping with a pillow inbetween your legs, under your back or abdomen. Try a few different ways until you feel that your lower back has support .
4. Maintain a good posture
Since we have just covered the sleeping part, its now time to focus on the moments when you are awake . Minimising the strain and load upon your muscles will really reduce the level of lower back pain. You can do this by having a chair and pillow (if necessary) that supports your lower back. Also, make sure that your computer screen is at the same level with your eyes. This forces you maintain a good posture. Put a few books under your laptop computer and you’re sorted.
5. Stretch your Lower Back
This applies specially to those who work behind desks all day. Stretch at least once every couple of hours. Standard lower back stretches can be found online, so go look them up and get stretching.
6. Heat fixes Lower Back Pain
Go to the chemist and get yourself one of those wheat heating pads. Stick it in the microwave for a few minutes and apply to your lower back. The smell of the heat pad is a bit dodge , but the temporary relief is awesome . You can also take a hot bath with Epsom salts. Epsom salts are great for relieving muscle pain.
And there you have it, 6 really easy steps to a painless lower back. If none of these work go see a chiropractor or try this!
Proper sleeping is one good way to avoid back pains and also maintaining a good posture in every activity even walking and sitting in the chair is important to maintain the healthy back.