How Exercise Helps Reduce Chances of Varicose and Spider Veins

Is it true that what goes up must always come down? For a ball, yes – but not for blood in the veins of your legs! There, blood returning to the heart is never meant to reverse its course, and one-way valves within them are meant to police the flow of ‘traffic.’ Over the years, though, the valves can become weakened and allow some blood to flow back – obeying the laws of gravity instead of those of the circulation. The result is the development of one or more swollen, varicose veins – or, in milder cases, spider veins – on the legs.varicos veins and exercise

Those valves don’t become weaker from too much exercise, but from too little – just like the muscles themselves. Varicose and spider veins reflect diminishing efficiency of blood circulation, especially in the veins where blood is returning to the heart and is under much less pressure than it is in the arteries. The legs are naturally more vulnerable to backflow in the veins, where blood’s normal movement is against the force of gravity.

The best preventative action you can take against these unsightly types of veins is simply to exercise. In fact, some early and mild cases of varicose or spider veins may respond to exercise alone – but an ounce of prevention is still worth a pound of cure. Being active makes the heart pump a little faster and stronger, increasing blood pressure in a good way. Furthermore, contractions of the leg muscles help move blood through the veins. Regular exercise strengthens and tones not just the muscles but all of our tissues.

Fortunately, our veins aren’t choosey about the type of exercise they respond to. This is truly a case where “it’s all good”! Especially if one hasn’t been active for a while, starting off simply with regular, brisk walks is perfect. Although walking a couple times a week will begin to help, getting in a good walk nearly every day will be that much better. One’s regular walking pace may be slow and leisurely, and again this is fine for starters. Making the walk just a bit faster, though, will pay benefits over time. Walk proudly and like you really want to get some place!

If a person is in pretty good shape to begin with, then lots of other exercises become possible options: jogging, swimming, and using exercise machines for leg-lifts and other movements. If you know you are out of shape, check in with the doctor first, and start off easy – don’t try to be an instant athlete. Give it time. It’s fine to be ambitious, but don’t bite off more than you can chew – it can lead to discouragement rather than progress.

Although it’s great to join a gym if you want to, it’s far from a requirement. Find a friend to go on regular walks or bicycle rides with. Give the elevator a break and take the stairs more often, especially if it’s just a couple floors. Park the car a little further from the office or store and walk the extra distance – assuming it’s not raining cats and dogs. And speaking of pets, what dog doesn’t love to go out for a walk? It’s good for both of you!

When back home, sit more often with your legs up and not crossed. If you have to sit all day for your job, make sure to get up regularly to just walk around for a minute or two. You’ll make up for the little bit of time away from the desk by being fresher and more efficient when you return. Keep those legs active on a regular basis and you can keep varicose veins at bay for years, possibly even for an entire lifetime.

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    Diet and diabetes

    Dieting and Diabetes

    Did you know that your weight has a lot to do with your chances of getting diabetes?

    The fact is that the onset of diabetes is much greater in people that are overweight than in those that are not. Type 2 diabetes, or adult onset diabetes is more commonly found in people with weight issues than those that are within their ‘ideal’ weight ranges. In fact, almost 90% of those with Type 2 diabetes are overweight. My nephew, how is a young fellow of 26, was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes this winter and guess what, he was overweight.

    diet and diabetes

    Do you have diabetes? Or are you on the verge of getting diabetes?


    Being overweight puts you at risk to more diseases not jut diabetes. To  use the example of my nephew, he was also treated for high cholesterol and his blood pressure was starting to get too high for comfort.

    As we get older it is easier to pack on the pounds and is getting increasingly more difficult to shed those unwanted jelly rolls.

    No worries, if you have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes or labeled at risk for this cruel, sneaky condition there is hope. It is up to you if you want to act and stop or even reverse this disease.

    • First thing to do is to lose the pounds. I know this is much easier said than done. Dieting is never easy and rarely fun for the average person. However, if you take this seriously and follow a strict regiment this will become your lifestyle and you will see amazing results.. Let your condition be your motivation. My nephew took this seriously, and lost over 60 lbs in one year. Guess what he is now only taking 1/3 of the initial dose of his medication and as a added bonus his looks improved dramatically so he is happily dating now. As he said it: this diabetes thing was a blessing in disguise 🙂
    •  Get active. Find some form of exercise that you enjoy and get out there and start doing it consistently.  Even if it’s just going out for a walk everyday get out there and walk or bike or walk up and down the stairs at the beat of your favorite song…. Do whatever it takes to get up and moving each and every day. You will feel so much better you will wonder why you didn’t’ do it sooner.
    • Change your diet and be mindful of what you eat. I think this is the most important part. In my experience what you eat matters about 3 times as much as to how much you exercise. You will have a strict diet once you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes. This means that you absolutely must follow your dietary restrictions. Learn to live within those limits in order to live and enjoy life to the fullest you can. The amazing thing is that there are all kinds of foods available that are friendly to those with diabetes that weren’t around just a few short years ago. It is quite possible to live and eat quite nicely with diabetes if you stick to your plan. The most important thing about dieting with diabetes is that you understand the importance of how food affects the disease and you stick to your lifestyle change.

    Don’t let Diabetes control you. Stand up and take control of your body it is yours and you are not a helpless being. This is a fight to the finish and if you let it, diabetes will be your end, a very slow and painful end. Lose the weight. Get out there and exercise, listen to the doctor’s orders and follow them. Find the strength within you to battle this disease head on. You’ll be amazed at the great things that will happen. Don’t forget my nephew’s story….loose weight….look better….have success with the opposite sex. Great side benefit! Kidding aside you will feel so much more alive!

    As usual, please leave your comments and share your experience!


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      Lipolaser Review

      First of all what is Lipolaser?

      The word Lipolaser has been made up by two words: “liposuction” and “laser”, because it removes fat (lipos in Greek) with an advanced laser technology system. Lipo laser (the word is used as one word or two words, take your pick) is a non-invasive inch loss, spot fat removal procedure that is the latest innovation in the field of body contouring.lipolaser review

      We all have trouble spots, or should we say stubborn fat accumulation on certain areas of our body, where we are having major difficulty loosing the unwanted fat even with dieting. Lipolaser is the perfect solution for that.

      These trouble spots are where we first gain the weight and lose it last…geeh, that makes us frustrated! but apparently this is how our bodies work and we are genetically predisposed where we hang on to that fat. You might have noticed it in your family, maybe all of you girls, including mom have nice chubby upper arms (that is the case in my family…) or have this nice side fat on your thighs called “saddles”…lovely.

      OK, before I get carried away, let’s go back to lipolaser and why it could be something you might want to check out. By the way I am writing this blog post because I will be starting my lipolaser sessions next Friday. I have learned enough about it so  I decided to give it a try. Why not? I spent lots of money, time and energy on different diets with various results why not “cheat” a bit.

      The benefits of Lipolaser

      • Safe
      • Painless
      • No Surgery involved
      • No Injections
      • No Recovery time
      • Non-Invasive

      We all heard horror stories associated with liposuction, the price itself could horrify you :), how some people had bad reaction and were left with major scars, etc. Lipolaser is a low level laser therapy (LLLT) and it is considered safe. Of course you would have to do your own research and come to your own conclusions.

      As far as I am concerned, I am looking forward to see what results I will be getting with this new body contouring, spot fat removal technology.

      I will keep you posted about my lipolaser experience and maybe….maybe even put some pictures up.

      As usual, please leave a comment and share this post.


      Viola (soon to be lasered)

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        3 Tips for Eating Out on a Diet

        Eating out when you are on a diet is, or could be a painful and frustrating experience. Even though this seems more like a punishment, and it does no matter how you slice it, it is actually a good way to start learning about not splurging and just eating normal portions and healthy foods.

        Fancy restaurants or dive-in fast foods, the menu most likely is screaming with fatty foods and heavy deserts. Remember fat carries flavor and with enough salt and sugar added on almost any crappy meal can be made palatable. So be on the alert.

        tips on eating out on a diet

        This looks good. Wash it down with a glass or red wine and nobody will ever know you are on a diet, not even you 🙂

        Here are 3 tips to help you fight off the sneaky chef.

        1. Eat something very light at home, just before going out. Have a few nuts and half an apple or whatever you like just to cut the edge off those hunger pangs and gain enough self control.  We are programmed to eat as much as we have in front of us (sometimes even more….) but if you have a plan, think about this before you get to the restaurant you are more likely to succeed in fighting the genetic curse.
        2. Control the quantity of food you are going to consume. Order a smaller portion and if not possible then plan on taking home a doggie bag. Remember to chew your food slowly (you might want to look sophisticated and refined in front of your company anyway). Eating slowly will give your brain enough time to register the amount of food consumed and send the satiety signals so you can feel full and happy; it also gives you and your company a chance to enjoy the evening out longer.
        3. What you order makes a difference. Order grilled meat with veggies instead of deep fried or sauce laden foods. Sauces contain a lot of fat and sodium and most likely sugar too. Of course choose a salad instead of fries but be careful what kind of salad dressing you get. Sometimes we think we are being so good to order a big salad and forget about the salad dressing that, if not careful, could add up to the same amount of calories as an order of fries!

        Now you have 3 tips that will help you along when eating out.   Think of these tips in a positive way and one that will add to your overall eating out experience. Our minds are wonderful creations and we do have the power to influence the path we take which is either the happy path or the not so happy path.


        To your health and happiness,


        PS. Please leave a comment. I will reply to it and it will make me happy 🙂

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          Shape Up Effortlessly By Following These Suggestions

          Exercise is a crucial part of looking and feeling good. Sometimes, there could be a lot of conflicting information out there that it is hard to decide on what to do. At times you can feel like you want to just give up, but you shouldn’t let this discourage you. By following the tips in this article, you can enjoy a healthier lifestyle.

          Motivation is very important in any diet program, and adding the tactile components of seeing and feeling the results can be very motivating. Keep tight fitting clothes around as a way to check your progress as opposed to stepping on a weighing scale. You will know how much you are changing if you make a habit of trying these clothes on from time to time.

          The success of your fitness routine relies on a balance of foods that include protein, carbs, and healthy fats. Try to consume 20% fat, 35% carbs, and 45% protein. You need to eat protein at every meal, it is the building blocks for your body.

          Like with any exercise, making sure your walking form is correct is an important factor in preventing injuries. Pull your shoulders back and keep your posture erect. At the end of each stride, your elbows should be parallel to the ground. If your right foot is forward, your left arm should be forward and vice versa. You heel should hit ground before the rest of your foot rolls forward.

          Exercise your uninjured limbs even as you heal a leg or an arm injury. When you use one limb, it actually causes stimulation of the muscles and nerves in the opposite limb. This is a god way to provide exercise to an injured limb without stressing it too much.

          Looking to get more results from the same amount of work? You can increase your muscle strength up to 20% by stretching. Make sure you take the time to stretch each muscle before and after you work it. You can improve your workout immensely by incorporating stretches into your strategy.

          Dive bomb pushups are a great way to mix up your work out. All you have to do is keep your hands and feet touching the ground while arching your back. For your next stop, bend your arms right at the elbow, then push and lower your torso in a forward direction. Once you have done this, go back to your beginning position. This greatly improves chest muscle strength.

          While working out, a great tip is to stretch the muscles you just worked out between sets. The idea behind stretching muscles you’ve just worked on is that you can increase your strength by adding to your ability to build muscle through increased circulation. However, because your muscles are already tired this type of stretching should be carefully considered to avoid injury of tired muscles. According to research, those men who stretch between sets increase their strength by about 20%. Stretching has the added benefit of reducing the likelihood of injury.

          Find some extra time in the day to exercise. Scheduling your day to the hilt without including physical activity is a mistake, and you may have more opportunities to get fit than you think. Short down times during your day can be used to perform simple fitness activities.

          A good fitness idea for bikers is leaning forward when they go uphill on their bikes. This will keep the weight evenly distributed, and will keep your front wheel where it belongs, on the ground. If you lean back instead, your front will come up off the ground, meaning you have to work harder to ride the same distance.

          To improve your overall fitness, try jumping rope. In order to have a piece of portable fitness equipment you can take with you wherever you go, buy a jump rope. If you jump rope a couple times each day for five minutes at a time you can get your heart rate up and tone your muscles too.

          Try performing actual sit-ups along with crunches when you work out. Sit-ups have developed a pretty bad reputation. Sit ups where your feet are held down are more detrimental to your back then they are helpful towards your abdominal muscles. This type of exercise can be hard on your back.

          Set a schedule for your exercise routine in order to maintain a level of consistency and to reduce the probability of avoiding it. Plan the days and the times you will work out, and stick to it. If something happens and you do have to cancel your workout, make sure you schedule a make-up day, and give it equal weight on your calendar.

          Try exercising during all of your favorite television shows in order to help you continue to lose weight. Fit in breaks for exercises, or do some walking in place when a commercial comes on. Lift small weights when you are watching TV on the couch. Squeeze exercise in whenever you can.

          Instead of depriving your body of the positive benefits physical fitness has to offer, keep on looking for methods of improving your body. The benefits will enhance your quality of life. Applying the ideas and insights within the preceding paragraphs is among the many methods you can use to improve your fitness.

          A majority of these tips can be extremely effective in numerous fitness issues, which includes also weight reduction. Should you among those women who are trying to find a natural ways to burn fat after their pregnancy time, in that case take a look at this site on Fit Yummy Mummy by Holly Rigsby or this video on Fit Yummy Mummy and read about a proven work out program to shed weight after the pregnancy. There is also more on Fit Yummy Mummy here.

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