How to Develop a Home Fitness Workout

How to Develop a Home Fitness Workout Program


People nowadays hardly find time to visit a gym for remaining healthy and fit. This lack of time perhaps is the cause of their worries regarding their health and fitness. However, the good news for them is that they can plan and follow an effective workout program at their own home. Before you plan for such a workout, keep in mind that an ideal home fitness workout program is the one that caters to the three key fitness factors namely aerobic fitness, flexibility, and strength. Sticking to these points, here are some factors to consider while you plan for a home fitness workout program.

Set up a goal

This is the first thing to do. Setting up a goal will help you to select the right kind of exercise. For example, if your goal is to get in shape, you will include more of weight loss exercises. On the other hand, if your goal is to strengthen your muscles, then you need to include rigorous workouts to your regimen.

 Determine the time you can spend for exercising

This is the next thing to do, because the time duration that you decide will help you in picking the type of exercises to be done within that duration. Try to dedicate atleast an hour a day.

Identify the exercises to be done

The top approach to this home-based fitness workout regimen is to include a mix of aerobic training, strength training, and flexibility training. Consider doing them with an objective of having a full body workout.

  • Aerobic Training: Consider choosing from brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, and running. Start doing so with a friend to be motivated. Try to increase the duration from 2 minutes to 40 minutes with an increment of one minute on a daily basis for improved blood circulation and more fat loss over time.
  • Strength Training: Consider this program after aerobic workouts, which can include press-ups, squats, sit-ups, planks, weight lifting with dumbbells, and leg raises. These exercises will improve your muscular-skeletal fitness.
  • Flexibility Training: After the above strengthening exercises, your body needs to be brought back into its original condition. This is only possible with a variety of stretching exercises that can be done with many tools sch as  Gym balls and resistance bands. The result of these exercises is  that of a relief from muscular-skeletal pain.

Consider appropriate number of sets and repetitions

 Ensure that your total workout sets is in the range of 15-25 (5 exercises of four sets is ideal in the beginning). If your goal is to burn fat as well as build muscles, the repetitions per set should be ideally in the range of 8-15. As a tip, take help of some trained coach if possible to determine the right number of sets and repetitions.

Include the resting time  

Muscles build up well during rest. Therefore, resting is essential in between. In case of 1-3 repetitions, you require to rest for 3 to 5 minutes. In case of 8-12 repetitions, it is recommended to rest for 1 to 2 minutes for doing a more vigorous workout subsequently and for effective results.

In short, always start with a warm up of 5 minutes on a bike or stairs, pick an exercise for each muscle group, do 3-5 sets with 8-15 reps per set, and stretch post workout.

Author Bio: Marguerite being a fitness enthusiast loves to blog on fitness and topics related to fitness. You can check out her latest post on how to lose belly fat on her website.

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    Plants and Vegetables  

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    William Richards researches and writes about prescription drugs and medical devices for

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          • Importance of a balanced diet with essential nutrients

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          • Nutrition is essential to achieve your fitness goals

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          to achieve ultimate results through fitness goals as your body starts developing the right muscles.

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          are also parts of good nutrition. When you consume foods, you must ensure that it contains

          fibers, proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins. Also, eating a whole variety of natural food

          products ensures that your body has access to useful minerals. Nutrition is also about consuming

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          • Child development

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          diet for children is not only important for their growth, but also in their learning phase of life.

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          Thus, it is highly essential to intake all the essential nutrients in all stages of growing up in order

          to lead a healthy and fit life. This is applicable for people belonging to all age groups.
          Being a fitness freak, Marguerite loves to blog on different tips, diets and workouts that help you know how to lose belly fat. You can visit her blog for examples.


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