Who wouldn’t enjoy doing an exercise regime on a trampoline? They’re tremendously enjoyable, bouncing around like a flea with a bad case of hiccups while getting a great CV work-out at the same time. Classes on Trampettes, mini trampolines, have been popular both in gyms and with people exercising at home for a number of years now but now there’s been a revolution!
Skyzone is a new facility which is growing in popularity among trampoline clubs in America so it’s only a matter of time before they become well known in the UK. At Skyzone dozens of 10 or 12ft trampolines are strung together with padding in between. You have different zones, for example there’s a cardiovascular and fat burning area where just jogging on the spot gets exhausting very quickly but running from tramp to tramp straight into a wall which, as luck would have it, is a tramp as well is phenomenal!
If you’re just starting out trampolineing as an exercise regimen start out with jogging and then move on to standing jumps. These are obviously the most basic of all so once you’re comfortable with them and confident that you have control then move along to seated jumps; jumps where you simply land on your rear and then stand again. Once you begin exercising on the trampoline you’ll notice that because you’re working against its tension you’ll burn off up to 30% more energy than you would in a regular gym class.
Cardiolates offer a shedule for the home where you can use an 8ft trampoline or mini tramp. Cardiolates puts together Pilates and the trampoline. They say that your body is under double the gravity at the bottom of the jump than normal which requires your body to work harder while the trampoline itself absorbs about 87% of the force of the impact making it much easier on the joints. If you’re getting over a sports injury this makes it an excellent way to keep on with your exercise regimen and have fun at teh same time.