Spider leg veins, also known as varicose veins, are enlarged veins, which are often painful. These veins have expanded because the valves inside the veins that regulate the direction of blood flow do not close correctly, allowing the blood to flow backwards within the veins and weakening the walls of the veins. This, in turn, causes swelling and pain in the veins, leading to difficulties in standing for long periods of time and muscle pain. Also, the enlarged veins appear like a dark blue or purple web on the surface of the skin. There are many natural cures to this common medical problem.
Varicose veins might form in the leg region for several reasons. Research shows that the most common reason for varicose veins forming in the legs is because of defective or damaged valves in the legs. Damaged valves prevent proper blood circulation in the legs and cause the blood to remain in the vein moving toward the heart. Valves purpose is to prevent back flow of blood.
Fortunately, there are natural remedies for improving spider veins. Some of these are herbal products such as horse chestnut, butcher’s broom, and ginkgo biloba that may be taken in pill form. A cloth soaked in witch hazel or apple cider vinegar and pressed onto the legs reduces swelling and discomfort. This is because both act as astringents to tighten the blood vessels closest to the skin’s surface. Spider veins also respond to exercise. Calf raises, swimming, walking, and cycling all assist the blood back to the heart, thereby reducing excess pooling in the veins.
A healthy diet is another way to naturally treat spider leg veins. Foods that are high in cholesterol can clog veins causing a greater restriction in blood flow. Diets with high ratios of fruits and vegetables supply needed vitamins, which help with spider leg veins. Vitamin K increases vein flexibility and is instrumental in healing blood-clotting issues. Other vitamins that can help cure spider leg veins are vitamins A, C, and D.
Compression stockings are pantyhose socks designed to help with varicose veins removal. It gives comfort, and it promotes better circulation. They are generally recommended for busy people who sit, stand or travel for long hours. Physicians support its use as a preventative measure and after having sclerotherapy to avoid the reappearance of spider veins and varicose veins.
Another natural product for the treatment of varicose vein removal is Venovil. Venovil is 100% natural remedy that helps with symptoms related to varicose and spider veins. The different ingredients have anti-inflammatory, coagulant and antioxidant abilities. This is a non prescription supplement that contains natural ingredients proven to be effective during clinical studies for the varicose vein removal. For more information you can visit the website at http://venovil.com/
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