Bronchitis Cures – All-Natural and Effedtive

This problem affects many people in the winter months when the air is cold and all those nasty little viruses are floating around everywhere. A hard cough with yellow, or green phlegm showing up in a day or two that just won’t go away, and an elevated temperature can make you miserable at any time of the year for some . The coughing can be bad enough to make your chest ache too and this is no fun at all. Some people go to the doctor and get prescription medications, others try the natural route of home care for bronchitis fever.

The symptoms for acute and chronic bronchitis are similar. People who suffer from either form experience coughing fits. They may also see increased production of phlegm, discomfort in the chest, wheezing, elevated body temperature and occasional chills. The phlegm produced due to this condition may be clear, gray, white, or yellowish-green in color. The color may help a doctor determine what the bronchitis cause for a given patient is.

There are a number of herbal teas that serve as a bronchitis cure. If you have a dry hacking cough you can use a mixture of wild cherry bark and marshmallow root. Use one teaspoon of each herb in two cups of hot water and let steep for ten minutes. If you don’t have a tea-ball for the herbs you can put them right in the water and then filter them out with a sieve. Drink a cup three or four times a day to help with the cough and your immune system.

Chemicals used in the workplace are another bronchitis cause. If the patient must stay at a given job, a medical professional can prescribe medication to help him control the symptoms. Finding a job where the irritant is not encountered will also improve the condition, although changing careers is seldom a practical solution.

During the day you can do an herbal steam that will help you to cough up any mucous. Bring a pot of water to a boil, adding herbs that are expectorants. Good expectorants include eucalyptus, thyme, peppermint, and rosemary. Take the pot to a table and put it on a trivet or pot holder. Using a big, heavy towel, lean over the pot and put the towel over your head and the pot, breathe in the steam. This is a very effective bronchitis cure, and will help with a cold too.

People who want to use pelargonium should try Bronovil. The South African flower is Bronovils key ingredient is the South African geranium mentioned above. Pelargonium works by preventing viruses from attaching to cells in the body. This herb boosts the bodys immune system, which makes it useful for older people and people suffering from HIV/AIDS.

Want to find out more about Bronchitis Cure, then visit our site and learn more about Know The Signs Of a Bronchial Cough.

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