Eating Breakfast – Is it Really the Most Important Meal of the Day?

By now, I’m sure you’ve heard people say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. However, that might not stop you or million people around the world, from skipping breakfast or opting for only a drink of coffee. The reality is that breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day, and you will have a much healthier diet if you include eating breakfast in your daily life.

Go see –Click here to find out about Simply Eat Diet. A money back guarantee diet plan

eating breakfast

Always add a protein to your breakfast

 There is an obvious reason why we call Breakfast—break fast. When you sleep, you are not eating for 7 to 9 hours at least, and more if you haven’t eaten since dinner the night before. Therefore, breakfast is the first time you’ll be eating anything for a very long period of time, thus breaking your fast. Some nutrients, like proteins, cannot be stored in the body so the body needs you to replenish the “low” levels of such nutrients. Breakfast is like the key that starts the engine. It is a very important source of energy to help kick start  your energy for the day.

Eating breakfast in the morning also helps you avoid some illnesses. For example, your sugar levels are probably out of whack from not eating for many hours, so having breakfast evens out the amount of sugars in your body, helping to prevent diabetes. It is best not to eat high sugar foods early in the morning since that will have your insulin play the high and low game on you first picking you up thinking you are bursting with energy and then dropping you low leaving you sluggish. It is also taxing on your pancreas.

 It is recommended to have one protein with your breakfast. So if you want to have your cereal, your muffin or your toast make sure you either have a piece of cheese or ham also or an egg.  Your blood sugar levels will be more evened out and you will feel much better and “normal” cutting down on the chances of overeating at lunchtime. Eating breakfast that is healthy helps you provide food to your stomach so that you don’t overeat at lunch because you are too hungry.

Go see –Click here to find out about Simply Eat Diet. A money back guarantee diet plan

Foods That Help You Lose Weight

Every time we eat, not just full meals, but snacks also, we make a decision. It might sound a bit ominous and at the time we might not think of it much but really EVERY single time we eat we ARE making a decision consciously or unconsciously to move towards health or towards decline of health; gain more weight or lose weight.

Click here if you want to find out about a diet plan that is easy to follow for the long term producing both short term and long term results.

Every Other Day Diet

Long term diet plan

So what is the answer? Do we become paranoid about food and lose the enjoyment that foods can provide us?

No, simply start incorporating in your regular menu foods that help you lose weight. We have to get to the point of eating healthy without thinking about it too much.

No. 1

The easiest way to remember what foods are actually going to help you is to remember that those are usually foods high in fiber

No. 2

Don’t forget we have to eat protein so the best way to ensure you are not going to pack on the pounds is to choose lean meats.

No. 3

This is going to the surprise element. Chocolate. I strongly believe one has to indulge the sweet tooth once in a while to avoid binges. An occasional 20-gram chocolate bar is a good choice for sweet-tooth cravings, because it’s individually pack aged and therefore less risky than cake, ice cream, or puddings.

Without going into too much detail, here are some examples of foods that help you lose weight:

  • high fiber cereals
  • high fiber , multigrain sprouted bread
  • legumes (beans, lentil, etc)
  • raw veggies (almost all of them)
  • raw fruits
  • dark chocolate
  • hot drinks
  • vegetable soup
  • air popped pop corn

Of course there are always more foods we could add I’m sure but this is a good start.

One thing I do want to mention. You could eat only foods that help you lose weight and still not lose weight. Why? Because portion size matters and because the law of how many calories you consume and how many you burn will ALWAYS apply, so physical activity is also a factor.

Click here if you want to find out about a diet plan that is easy to follow for the long term producing both short term and long term results.

Belly dance workout – fun way to trim belly

This video is just over 7 minutes and it give a good workout. Anybody could do this belly dance workout  NO EXCUSES! So let’s have some fun

Click here to learn about other great exercises that will help trim your belly

I just came across this awesome arabic belly dance workout!  If you want to check out the other 3 parts to this go to YouTube or ask me to put them up also (in the comment section)

There are a few reason I chose not to upload all 4 parts. The first part is all warmup and I thought we could do that on our own. But the main reason is that I know we are all on the run and don’t need a long video.

Over 40 and a bit out of shape? No problem, these are easy to follow steps that will bring your heart rate up with a smile.

  • Combine this fun workout with a great diet plan and you have it made 🙂
  • Make it a habit and keep to your diet and to you exercise plan
  • Don’t forget to smile while belly dancing

Click here to learn about other great exercises that will help trim your belly

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    Belly fat weight loss

    Belly fat is the most stubborn, exercise and diet resistant area of your body.

    It is wishful thinking believing you can lose weight on demand only in certain areas of our body. You cannot control where the weight loss occurs. Belly fat weight loss is not easy and sometimes it feels as if it’s right down impossible, but it’s not.

    Click here for superfoods that unlock the key to your belly fat weight loss success

    belly fat weight loss

    Blame your parents
    When you start burning fat for energy actually losing real weight, you will be losing it from all areas of your body.  The first place you tend to put fat on will be the last place it comes off. There is a genetical explanation for this. You have those “stubborn” areas because each of us is born with a genetic pattern of fat storage. This is comparable to inheriting a certain eye color or hair color or certain height, etc. Women  tend to have more difficulty losing (but not gaining..) weight around the hips, thighs, and belly area. Men usually have the beer belly, lower abdomen fat accumulation problems. Belly fat weight loss is an issue for both sexes, no exception.

    Doing a lot of sit-ups will help, right?

    No, not really. It will help strengthening your abs but they will still be covered by fat. Why? Because the only way you burn fat is through aerobic exercise. Meaning you have to be huffing and puffing and get your heart rate up in order to burn fat and lose weight.  It is still recommended you do sit-ups because having strong abs will help with your posture and that in return helps keep a straight back and avoid back pain. Oh, and another important thing, better posture helps you look slimmer.

    Now, if you think that you should go hard and do cardio only until you lose the weight, you’re mistaken. What you need for belly fat weight loss is to have a balanced workout plan of aerobic exercise and weight training. Weight lifting will build your muscles and lean muscles will raise your metabolic rate helping  you burn more fat.

    Click here for superfoods that unlock the key to your belly fat weight loss success

    Get rid of belly fat?

    Sneaky reason you might be fighting an uphill battle! You are over 40 and you start to develop a permanent little or not so little bulge in you midsection. You are not too disturbed in the beginning since you think you will be able to get rid of it. You will go on some fast, promising diet and work out –maybe – and voila you get rid of belly fat.

    get rid of belly fat

    Not so fast and not so easy. Not anymore. Even if you lost some weight with your diet the darn belly fat is just too stubborn and it’s hanging on to dear life. It is not going away. What to do? Really what is one supposed to do.
    I am a happy person; I eat fairly healthy I exercise so I think I am doing ok. Apparently not  and the reminder of that is the shock I get every time I sit down and happen to catch a glimpse of my nice fat roll embracing me all around. Just one word: Disgusting.
    If all this sounds familiar to you read on and check back regularly. I am going to explore this from many angles and many sources. I will find ways to get rid of belly fat. This is a promise and I will share my information.

    I don’t like to point fingers but there are some real reasons fat likes to hang on to our bellies, especially if you are over 40.  We have to be aware of the reason’s that are beyond just simple over eating or not exercising.

    Click here to learn about what superfoods can unlock the key to your belly fat loss success

    Today the accused perpetrator is the xenoestrogen.

    First of all what are xenoestrogens?

    “Xenoestrogens are novel, industrially made compounds, that have estrogenic effects and differ chemically from archiestrogens (ancient, naturally occurring) produced by living organisms. Their potential ecological and human health impact is under study”… Xenoestrogens have been introduced into the environment by industrial, agricultural and chemical companies and consumers only in the last 70 years or so. (from Wikipedia)

    I will not go into major detail about xenoestrogens but I will mention a few. If you want to know more please visit

    Watch out for:

    •    pesticides,
    •    herbicides
    •    insecticides
    •    certain petrochemicals from air and water pollution,
    •    household cleaners,
    •    cosmetics (4-MBC in certain sunscreens, paraben) – check your lables
    •    food preservatives such as BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole).

    WARNING: These xenoestrogens can react with your body and make your body store excess abdominal fat and that will make your life extra miserable when trying to get rid of belly fat.
    Excess exposure to these can cause hormone balance disruptions for both men and women.


    There is always something we can do. Number one rule for me is to learn more about whatever the problem is so I can find a solution.  I am only touching on one solution in this article but hopefully I sparked enough interest that you will go ahead and do some of your own research. If not, no worries I will be writing more about this shortly so you can check back and find out more.

    There are certain foods that provide us with fighting ability against these artificial hormon like compounds and eating more of these will help our fight to get rid of belly fat.

    Click  here to discover usuful tips on how to get rid of belly fat.

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